Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gold Vs. Iron

Iron is better than gold. An iron pickaxe will mine iron and gold faster than gold can mine these two. Gold also breaks faster than iron. Gold is only good to make a shovel. A golden shovel is better than a diamond shovel.


Discs are an object that you place In a jukebox and it will play a song.One way to get a dsic is to have a skeleton kill a creeper. This is challenging but it is possible.

Snow Golem

A snow golem looks like a snowman. It will defend you from mobs by throwing snowballs. It is a longe range compared to the iron golem, but it is effective. The snow golem creates a trail of snow were ever it moves. To make one you put two blocks of snow on top of each other than a jack-o-latern on top.

Breeding Animals

You can breed animals in minecraft to have baby animals. To do this you need to have to of the same animals then you need a certaint item. When you have this item hover over one of the animals and you will see "love mode" and press the button. You will see hearts around it and you have to do it to the other animal of that kind. Certaint animals need certaint items though. For chickens you need seeds or nether warts. For pigs, cows, and sheeps you need wheat. And for wolves you need pork or beef.